SPWLA Saudi Arabia Chapter June 2017 One Day Workshop
13 June 2017 – The Saudi Arabia Chapter conducted Its First Topical Workshop on “Tight-Reservoir Formation Evaluation.” More than 100 attendees actively participated the first topical workshop conducted by the newly established Saudi Arabia Chapter. The workshop was opened by Chapter President Tareq Al Ghamdi, who highlighted the importance of reserves in tight reservoirs, eight presenters from Saudi Aramco and service companies led technical sessions that reviewed challenges and involved brainstorming solutions to properly evaluate tight formations. Following the afternoon group discussions S. Mark Ma, the Chapter’s technical event team lead, summarized the technical sessions and group discussions with action plans that may be implemented in the near term, e.g., stress sensitivity of pore structure, pore size distribution from mercury injection capillary pressure measurement if pore shape is not cylindrical, and in the long term, e.g., optimized drawdown in sampling tight formations.